OTHER NEWS! Of course, about all of you have probably read, the Producers Letter from the month shows images and things about WINTERTUSK! If for some reason, you've been hiding under a rock or something, and don't know what Wintertusk is yet, Wintertusk is the new world that is coming out for Wizard101 and will be the followup world for Grizzleheim. It will follow the same story line and I think they mentioned that it would give better XP than the world of Grizzleheim that didn't really give a lot of XP for the people that needed it. Well anyways, the Producer's letter gave out some information that a lot of people can enjoy. For the people that are not able to access Wizard101 at the moment, here is what it says:
My dear Wizards,
So the cat’s out of the bag! Our next release will include a new area called Wintertusk, a place that completes the story begun in Grizzleheim. You knew there had to be more coming, right? We can’t just leave things on a cliffhanger like that. There will be wolves, ravens, and bears, as you'd expect, but your character will encounter some other epic bad guys too. You won’t be alone, though: in Wintertusk your Wizard will finally meet Grandmother Raven. She should be a great aid to you as your character encounters mysteries and challenges across the Spiral.
That’s not all though! We’re also proud to announce that we’re going to be releasing something hugely requested by the Wizard101 community: high level quest pets! You may have wondered why we asked about pets on Feedback Friday a while ago... that’s the reason! We’re fired up for Wizards to discover new companions to aid you in your journeys throughout the Spiral. They won’t be easy to obtain… but the spoils will be worth the effort!
Another exciting new feature is new and upgraded spells. With Celestia, we gave you some visually super cool epic spells, and now we’re adding more toys for your arsenal. With our new content, we allow your Wizard's other spells to gain in power as well. Your Wizard will be able to “upgrade” one existing spell and will get something new. Your Wizard must be level 58 to get these quests. It won’t be as easy as walking up to a trainer, but you should find that your time obtaining them has been well spent.

With many of the new additions to the game this update, we want to make sure Wizards already at Legendary status have a meaningful way to increase their powers. Each school will have their own, but here are some examples. Balance Wizards, we found some ancient and powerful magic to provide you a new, shiny, and more powerful healing over time spell! Storm Wizards, you’ll find some awesome damage at your disposal, but with great capability comes great danger. Speaking of such things, you’ll also find a new area with the toughest combat yet, but the spoils will most certainly befit the difficulty. These challenges will be presented to our most powerful Wizards. If you fall into that category, let me just say… I hope you’re up for the challenge!
Have you wondered what became of Crab Alley? What happened after the Crab folk went on tour with Selena Gomez? You won’t have to wait too long to find out, get ready to explore our newly expanded Crab Alley! It will be right up your alley if your Wizard is around level 10-15.

There is so much more I just can’t talk about yet! We have a huge list of changes coming out with this next release, and there’s a lot more to come out in the months to come. My next letter should be full of juicy gossip! I’m burning with excitement about the features in this update, and since a lot of the features are hot topics on the message boards, I think you'll feel the heat of excitement as well!
So that is the surprise that was given to the spiral today by professor Falmea, who always does a letter to us Wizards when something new is coming up or people see more information about the wonderful game.
I think that it might come in soon because remember how Celestia took about 1 or 2 years? I think that they were probably also working on Wintertusk at the same time. Of course, that is my guess on what they were doing, it's not true, but if they have those pictures and such a major letter, then Wintertusk might be coming out soon. A lot of people that I know think that Kings Isle just started working on Wintertusk, which I do not think it's true but it might be. But I think that they will progress fast. I have heard that in Kings Isle, they have different group sort of things. One group works on the animations, another one on drawing,some other ones on idea and then more on probably pets and mounts and clothing and things. Well I think that since they all work together fine and are such a great community (As mentioned by Leesha Darkheart when she went to Kings Isle and did an interview with J Todd Coleman and another one of the producers) they will get it done quickly in time and will all tag along to do what's worth it to make the game better and better until so many people are going to be playing it, it will become unbelievable! :D
In the blogging community, the race to get the Mounts from Mount Week is still going on! A lot of more people have entered other contests/raffles to get the free mounts and a lot if people are working really hard on drawing and making great ideas for most of the contests. I really want everyone of you to at least try in the blog that has the mount that you want and just go for it! I know that the other day, I was talking to Alia Lotuspetal and she was telling me how she probably wouldn't enter Friendly's contest because there were going to be SO MANY people that would enter it, but I reminded her, five of the entries will be pulled out in a RANDOM drawing, so you didn't really have to be the best drawer in the world, or the best at doing computer things, you only have to try and there is a possibility that you will win :) So....yeah so, never give up :P
That is all that I have time for right now, I need to go now, so I will see you around the Spiral! :D
-Shady :)
Great post! Many big things on the way!
ReplyDeleteI'm balance! and i dont want a healing spell :(