Monday, May 31, 2010

An sorry sickly freaked out Rosepetal

Okay, firstly, sorry I didn't get on that much last night. Had a headache, almost threw up, then fell asleep for 12 hours. Not a fun night.

Secondly, well, above explains that.

This explains half of the freaking out:

This explains the other half:
Thanks guys :-D

The Comedy Theurgists Podcast went great last afternoon! I found myself trying not to laugh, though. It was quite amusing. I also got a Diseased Wildclaw from them for doing a quiz! Thanks girls! Really. A ton. And they have something awesome planned for next week, so tune in. It will be very amusing. VERY AMUSING. And it's one of those "That's what you get for not listening"s. Okay, I'll shut up now.

Congrats to all the people who won the Student Teacher things!
For Life: Kestrel Shadowthistle (Wow, that was a hard pick probably. Comedy Theurgists vs Shadowthistle.)
For Death: Leesha Darkheart (No surprises there.)
For Myth: Ronan Ravenshard (I bet him and Heather Raven came close)
For Fire: Jessica Fairyheart (Wow, these aren't even surprising anymore, lol)
For Balance: Cassandra Griffindreamer (No surprises there)
For Ice: Kenneth Iceblade
For Storm: Dustin Mooncatcher (DUH.)

Yet again, Congrats all! All the other nominees, good job! Really. Oh, another reason to freak out about:
Go figure. Don't ask me how I was the person up front saying the words. Just don't ask.

Um, just, wow. This is all sorta suprising and not suprising. I mean, i'm suprised and pretty shaken up about my brother, but.....
I'm basically the one in my family who goes nuts if something happens to him. -Shrugs-

Well, I better start playing Wizard101 right now. Trying to get Isabella to adult to hatch with my dragon.


1 comment:

  1. Actually, I was supposed to, but alia started with out telling me. My favorite part was when I got to yell "WAIT YOU FORGOT THE DOES ANYONE OBJECT OR FOREVER SHUT OP PART!"


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-No swearing
-No sexual activity
-Please be nice and respectful!
Thank you! We're so glad to hear your input.